Originally Posted by emptythetank
Hey okay a lil bit about me I'm 19 in Feb recently passed my education etc have wanted to travel since a very young age and well my situation at home isn't great plus this girl i was seeing didn't work out and ahhh just want to get away from it all, well in the next month or so I could maybe get £3000 together but how long could that last me if i use this helpx witch everyone is talking about?
I have no idea why the most recent posts have kind of turned against "supporting you" but I would say that you should just get out there and do it!
Sure, you probably don't have £3K to your name because you are offering your bike for sale:-
IMO that is not a bike that will sell on here; you know from this whole website that the vast majority of peeps here are riding their own choice of machine that probably does not include a Honda CBF - but you can ride a CBF most places, soooooooooooooooo --
1. Get out there and do it on your own bike, or
2. Travel without the bike, via xhelp or whatever floats your boat.
Everything you read on here is just an opinion, including this post. Some is based on experience, in some cases a lot of experience, but you need to get your own experience.
As I said earlier, I have been there, done that - all the stuff about leaving home without parental permission (not that you need it at age 19 but I was under age).
In my day (God, I hate that expression!) before the internet, I just stuck out my thumb and took to the road with a rucksack on my back - in this day and age I am not recommending that specifically but I am repeating what I said earlier - flap your wings and learn to fly, instead of worrying yourself about if your wings actually work OK.
Simple question: have you ever travelled, abroad for instance - I suspect not.