Malawi/North-Mozambique/Tanzania Nov/Dec´10
anyone around that area in Nov/Dec, who is looking for a travel companion to find some beautiful places and chalengeing tracks? Usally I am on Enduro/Cross bike, but this time I will abuse my Toyo 4x4Landcruiser with lots of storage where I could help a bike companion to carry extra fuel aso. One seat available too, against share of costs. If you travel the region in your 4x4, would be great if we could team up and help each other on 4x4 tracks and more deserted places like northern MOZ. I have been travelling southern africa for the last 10years 4-6 weeks yearly mainly in Namibia/RSA. I am easy traveling: camping,lodge,backpackers, bush,beach,mtns.., superslow if interesting,or 400km a day if necessary, is all fine with me. Would be great if you would share some information about the area with me, if you have traveled it before.
Still flexibel on exact route and time between 10th Nov-15Dec´10, will start in Blantyre/Malawi, where my 1992 Landcruiser/"Bushtaxi" is currently stored.
I am 39/m speak german, some french and spanish too.
Cu Ben