I’ll be heading out about a month after you...late february, from San Antonio. It looks like mexico (mountains, gulf/yucatan), belize, guatemala, return via puerto escondido/part of pacific coast to texas. I know enough spanish, mechanicals, and my bike to get through most...time will tell. GOOD LUCK on your journey!
I too have had a difficult time finding people who are as excited about going, or have the time, finances, etc.
I’m really impressed!!! You’re absolutely right about waiting for the “right time”... It seems I’m about a month off from everyone else here...but would definitely like to meet up with fellow travelers and share stories, and grab a drink or two. Hopefully our paths cross!
If I didn’t already have a trip out west planned for mid Feb, I’d leave earlier...I have nearly everything ready at this point...well...at least I think I do.