Mexico Jan-Feb 2007
Hi All,
I'm planning a trip into Mexico begining in Dallas, Tx around Jan 15, 2007. My basic plan is to scoot through McAllen and head to Zacatecas and explore the "Heartland" for a few days before heading to Mexico City or Veracruz. Down the gulf coast possibly to Merida. Next to Palenque and Chiapas, on to Oaxaca and up the Pacific coast stopping in Puerta Vallarta by Feb 15. With the exception of PV by Feb 15 I'm flexible on where and when I go.
Currently I'm riding alone, though I friend is thinking about it (what this means is his wife is thinking about letting him go). Whether he goes or not extra company will be welcomed. Contact me if you're thinking about a similar ride or will be in Mexico during the same time. Shayne
email address removed by Grant
Last edited by Grant Johnson; 9 Dec 2006 at 20:50.