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Old 24 Dec 2007
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Smile Mexico - Ushuaia

Hi all

I'm Thierry from Switzerland. I'll start my RTW-trip the 6th january 08 in Mexico-City on a BMW 650 Dakar. A friend of mine wanted to come with me for the first month, but we couldn't find a bike for rent so far. Weeks of exploring the net and sending mails to bike companies like Touratech Mexico, didn't bring us further...

Well, so I guess I'll start alone...

I intend to go first up north to the Copper Canyon and Baja and then heading south all the way to Ushuaia, where I intend to be for x-mas 08.

It would be great to meet and ride with someone or more people for part of the trip. So, if someone is in or around Mexico DF or somewhere else along the road, please let me know and I'll get in touch with you.
I admit, that especially in the beginning of the trip I would feel much more comfortable to have company. Unfortunetly I don't have a friend with the same amount of time, so I hope to meet good people on the road and share adventures. It's more fun for sure! Well, I'll see what happen...

Merry christmas and have a safe trip!

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Old 25 Dec 2007
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Mexico now - going south

Hi !
I am also looking for someone to travel along with through Mexico and Central America. I am in Hermasillo, MX now and plan to travel south from here. I want to travel all through Central America.
You want to go to copper canyon in january? Be aware that it gets cold up there in the mountains this time of year. If you wanna stay warm - go south this time of year. Write me at jmras8000@yahoo.dk if you think that we could meet up to continue our travels together.

Jesper, Denmark
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Old 25 Dec 2007
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I will be in Ushuaia by Chistmas '08, too, so maybe we'll me along the way.

A buddy and I will be leaving Colorado in September or October next year, and will work our way along the western side of South America with the goal to be in Ushuaia before New Year's Eve. We will then work our way to Buenas Aires, and then homeward. We have no plans more specific than that.

We'll be on KLR 650s, and we are experienced travellers--but no by motorcycle! It will be an adventure. Hope to see you on the road.
Done with Prudhoe Bay and Ushuaia.

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Old 25 Dec 2007
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I'm going from SF (USA) to Cordoba (Argentina) in november/december 2008 so.. Let's meet in the road!
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Old 7 Jan 2008
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Mexico to Usuiaa

Hi Thierry
I plan to leave San Diego, California on 15 January, to ride to Baja, Copper Canyon and then south through Central and South America to Tierra del Fuego. Can we meet in Baja? David
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Old 12 Jan 2008
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further plans

Hi David, thanks for your post. I found now a bike to rent for a friend of mine. He will arrive coming thuesday and then we will tour around up to Durango and to the pacific coast until 13th of february. Then he returs home and I will stay a couple of days more in Mexico-City to see more cultural stuff. I guess I will head south around 16th/17th of february - direction Chiappas. My plan is also to stay about a month in Antigua Guatemala to go to school and improove my spanish. Does it fit in you plans - or to somebody elses?

Stay in touch!

Have a good ride and take good care...

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Old 12 Jan 2008
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I plan reaching Guatemala on my way north from Ushaiah for February 11, my 75th birthday. Anyone around for a small celebration?
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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I'm currently sitting on the beach in Mazatlán on the way south (SF<->Panama) with a KTM 640A. My original plan was to stop in Antigua for about a month of language lessons but everyone I've talked to (including one in Antigua right now) says that the town is overrated and I'd be happier in Oaxaca. That actually fits better into my plans anyways; the sooner I can turn my clunky highschool spanish into something resembling human speech, the better. I haven't yet asked anyone to pour into my shoes yet, but I'm pretty sure there have been a few close calls.

Also, there is a *crazy* fireworks festival in Tultepec (just north of Mexico City) in early March that I'm going to ride up and meet some friends for. I went a few years ago, it makes Burning Man look like amateur hour, ie you might want to wear your helmet during the main event.

I would love to meet up with other riders. I've seen dozens of riders headed the other direction here and in Baja, but so far nobody headed my way.

Even if you don't want to stop in Oaxaca, shoot me a message anyways when you're nearby so we can go out for a .

(my current location is usually on I'm a consumer whore! And how!)
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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Make sure to drop me a note when in LaPaz

Hey All,
I'm living part-time in LaPaz on the Baja. This is where you will take the ferry to the Mainland.

Drop me a note if you need any help.
Tacos and are on me.

If you’ve never stared off into the distance, then your life is a shame.
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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I may be leaving from Playa del Carmen for Guatemala/Nicaragua the last week in Feb or first week in March.
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Old 15 Jan 2008
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Mexico to....


I'm presently in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. If anyone would like to meet-up and ride together for awhile let me know. I'll be moving on to Costa Rica soon, bound for Argentina ultimately.
The trip has been great so far. The ol' KLR is running like a dream and I've got her so loaded-up that I feel bad for her at times, but she never complains, and I do go easy on her.
I can recommend Nicaragua, it's all beautiful and the people are great. My experience of Honduras, however, was mixed, mainly due to the border crossing, which took hours and hours and was very complex. Also, corrupt police officers were a problem. They're so bold they simply asked for my license - which is totally valid- and without even checking they start yelling "infraction!" and ask for money, on the spot.
I resisted and then they asked for my passport, which I don't give up lightly. I got to come down from $20.00 usd to $5.00 and just rode away shaking my head and vowing never to return to Honduras again.
It may be better t o cross on the eastern side rather than at the Pan American Hwy, where it's obvious they are waiting for tourists in transit. Drop me a line at akinmakinbacon@hotmail.com if you may be interested, perhaps our paths will cross.
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Old 17 Jan 2008
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Ferry in Baja

KPick did you know how much cost to transport a KLR650 by Ferry from Baja to the other side I'm planning to be there the first week of February going to the end of South America
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Old 20 Jan 2008
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Smile Glad to see your still travelling Simon

Originally Posted by simongandolfi View Post
I plan reaching Guatemala on my way north from Ushaiah for February 11, my 75th birthday. Anyone around for a small celebration?
Hi Simon,
You and I have been travelling towards each other from opposite ends of the Americas for about the same number of months, we both crashed at around the same time too. Anyway Im in El Salvador heading south and expect we will pass each other on the road unknowingly. Antigua Guatamala is a happy place with plenty of friendly, safe, bars.

Have a happy 75th, and I feared latin America before I drove across the border, small town America is a breeze, the people there will love you because
a. you are a Brit
b. you are a long distance biker
c. you are obviously loco ......like me

Oooh some evenings I miss Norfolk and that pint down the pub, but some evenings I dont
Happy Trails


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Old 21 Jan 2008
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Hey Kevin

this is John,soon to be in Merida.I was in La Paz earlier this year but we never got together-my fault.I had to move back to the States due to a family medical issue.I have leased a large home in Merida and if you fins yourself on that side of the Republic,I have plenty of room.

Originally Posted by Kpick View Post
Hey All,
I'm living part-time in LaPaz on the Baja. This is where you will take the ferry to the Mainland.

Drop me a note if you need any help.
Tacos and are on me.

I spent most of my money on fast cars,fast women and liquor.The rest I squandered.
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Old 21 Jan 2008
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Cross at Copan if possible

it's actually pleasant and fast.

Originally Posted by jeff akins View Post

I'm presently in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. If anyone would like to meet-up and ride together for awhile let me know. I'll be moving on to Costa Rica soon, bound for Argentina ultimately.
The trip has been great so far. The ol' KLR is running like a dream and I've got her so loaded-up that I feel bad for her at times, but she never complains, and I do go easy on her.
I can recommend Nicaragua, it's all beautiful and the people are great. My experience of Honduras, however, was mixed, mainly due to the border crossing, which took hours and hours and was very complex. Also, corrupt police officers were a problem. They're so bold they simply asked for my license - which is totally valid- and without even checking they start yelling "infraction!" and ask for money, on the spot.
I resisted and then they asked for my passport, which I don't give up lightly. I got to come down from $20.00 usd to $5.00 and just rode away shaking my head and vowing never to return to Honduras again.
It may be better t o cross on the eastern side rather than at the Pan American Hwy, where it's obvious they are waiting for tourists in transit. Drop me a line at akinmakinbacon@hotmail.com if you may be interested, perhaps our paths will cross.
I spent most of my money on fast cars,fast women and liquor.The rest I squandered.
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