Hi Mark,
I just had a peek at the website on Morrocon pistes. Looks great. That's about what I had in mind to do over there :-)
I am expecting one of these
A good friend of mine that has done Morocco numerous times by 4x4 and bike, has advised me this book, which should be the bible of Moroccon pistes. He now leaves with a Unimog + bikes for Mauretania (me very jealous :-) )
I have no route fixed yet and doing a predefined route is not really my style of travelling. I like to know what is interesting in advance, most of the time I have a specific sequence in mind, there will probably be a couple of must dos, but the moment will decide the itinerary. Will I be travelling 400+ kms a day or 100? It will depend on the moment and how I (we) feel, the weather, the feedback of people you meet along the road etc. The main objective is to ride and I am not the type of person to give up easily, so 400+ kms of nice piste seems realistic to do in one day. Long days in the saddle no prob!
Departure date: depending on company. No date fixed yet. Will try to do so asap depending on who is willing to join me.
About rest days: no problem. Can also be rest afternoons, a shorter trip or whatever.
Budget: minimum but whatever it requires. I had planned to take a small tent for emergencies.
Tyres: i leave with old road tyres and takes TKC'c with me. I will swap them in Morocco just before hitting the first pistes.
Offroad experience: From time to time I go off road in my neighbourhood. I took the BMW offroad course in Hechlingen, Germany, as well which is great by the way. Apart from that I mainly use the bike on road (I have the bike, my wife has the car).
I'll send you an email (is your address correct?) with some personal details. If you could reply to that, so we know more or less what to expect...