Myanmar OR China (East to West) October 2015
My brother and I are looking for others to share costs for overlanding Myanmar OR China (East to West) in mid-late October 2015. We're on DR650 adventure motorbikes. The two options are:
1) Laos to Nepal via China; or
2) Thailand to India via Myanmar.
Both routes are cost prohibitive for us without being part of a larger group. We would prefer the Myanmar route but beggers can't be choosers... plus China/Tibet would be amazing anyway.
Ideally we have a 4WD (with comms) in the group to carry the guide, which will help further reduce costs and make travel as a group easier. As for the specifics of the routes we're flexible... we'll just be stoked to overland this land-lock on the cheap.
Hope there's some interest!
Dylan and Lawson.