Yeah, unfortunatelly Norway is pretty expensive generally. Oslo is one of the mose expensive cities in the world I hear. In the same league as London, NY and Tokyo! Furthermore, petrol is bloody expensive. I would have thought it would be cheap given Norway's biggest export is oil... There's a link to the current petrol prices accross Europe below. Currently the equivalent of €1.42/lt!!! Might be coasting in neutral with the engine off down hills...
By humble, I pretty much mean free camping, mostly cooking for oneself (local ingredients on course!) with the occassional splurge on a few  s and a local meal. Up past the Artic Circle its going to be light most of the time, so I quite like the idea of being in the outdoors! Any idea when you're going to be heading down through Russia? If the timing and proximity works out it would be interesting to hear about your trek from the Pacific side.