Panama - Tennessee/Spring 2004
24 yr old male travelling on a budget looking at a 25-40 day trip. Going North or South (haven't decided yet) - whichever's cheapest and works best for rainy season. I'm going no matter what, but interested in potential partner/groups for legs of trip or entire trip. Planning on spending a few days in Mexico City with filmmaking buddy who's working on a documentary there - probably getting a bed or 2 for free there. Possibly meeting friend in Peace Corps in Nicaragua for a day or two to surf. Looking to surf/snorkel/dance/film as much as possible. I've done the Yucatan, so probably skipping that, but would love Belize. I'm just now learning motorcycles and Spanish, so not going to be an expert mechanic or linguist, but I'll manage. Hoping to spend most of my time in Central America/Southern Mexico.