partners for a turkey- stans-russia-mongolia trip
Hi all
I am 36 years old from Israel and I have been riding motorbikes sins I was 16.
Israel is a small country and because of political situations we can not cross in to most of our neighboring countries-the exception is the Sinai desert peninsula in Egypt witch I cross at least 1 a year for a good motorbike travel.
Anyway on may 2005(after a long time planning and gathering information-including on this wonderful site) I boarded my self and my 1993 Yamaha xt 600 e-on a cargo ship in Haifa(north of Israel),and 2.5 days later I arrived in Greece-witch was the start of a 4 month 25000 kilometers trip around east and west Europe.
From Greece to Macedonia - Albania -back to Macedonia - Bulgaria – Romania – Serbia -Montenegro(then still part of Serbia)- Croatia - Slovenia – Hungary – Slovakia – Poland - check republic – Austria – Switzerland –France –Italy (all the way to cicely) and then a ferry from bari to Greece - and again a cargo ship back home to Israel
All and all probably the best 4 month of my life (including the bad days I had along the way…).
When planning the trip before leaving-I assumed it would be an ounce in a life time trip-boy was I wrong. Ever since I returned I can't stop thinking of the next trip, I guess I got hooked…
Any way I finally decided on my next rout and destination witch will probably be-taking a ship to Greece again and from their to head east-turkey-georgia-azerbijan-turkmenistan-uzbekistan-tajikistan-kirgistan-kazakstan-russia-mongolia-back to Russia (Siberia)-and then back towards Scandinavia. All in about 4 -5 months.
I am only in the early planning stage-so the rout may change for various reasons.
I don’t know what is the current situation in china is, but if I could enter with my motorcycle, then whole new possibilities will open up…
Any way I plan on leaving on may 2008(possibly a year later-because of certain obligations-I hope not)
I now ride an 1995 Yamaha xtz750, and plan a budget trip-camping-cooking my self…
Although I did my last trip solo I would like to find a partner or partners for my next trip.
So if any 1 dreams of doing a trip like that then send a message and we will talk.
also- if any 1 has information about traveling in the contries i plan to go-any info will be very helpful.
By for now
And most important-KEEP RIDING.