Hey Andy, Frank and Z,
It looks like we are all thinking that Sep/Oct looks like the best time to set out. That will give us some good time in California and Mexico to work out the bugs. I'm not opposed to riding in a group of three, any more than that, it would be hard to get decisions made. I also want to take a spanish refresher, I speak understandable spanish now, but I can always use a tune up. Nic. or Guat. would work for me.
I'm going to Peru next week for some R & R on the Amazon for two weeks. If you get a chance, check out Iquitos Peru, very cool place to chill. I will be in touch with all of you when I return. I would like to maybe chat with you off line, good idea to get to know someone you'll be riding with south of the border.
Andy, what part of NY are you, I'm in Burlington Vermont, perhaps not to far from you.
Frank, I know Montreal well as I only live 1:30 from there, maybe it will be possible to set up a meeting over the winter.
Z, where are you located??
If you folks are all planning the same trip as me, the I can only assume that you all must be in the same mindset. This is a big deal, it requires some planning and a lot of trust. I would feel comfortable, if you are serious, that we try to meet over the winter and see about starting some solid plans. I'm pretty good with logstics and trip planning as I travel extensively for work. My email is
mcallahan@ttiglobal.com. Think about this and get back to me...Talk to you all soon.
Steve, we'll see you and Debra on the road.