Hi There,
I am also planning a rtw most probably August 2009. I'll start from Istanbul, Turkiye then by the Mediteranian cost (Greece-ferry to Italy-France-Spain) then to Morocco, down to Mauritania-Mali-Niger-Nigeria-Cameroon-Central African Rebuplic-DCR-Uganda-Kenya-Tanzania-Mozambique-South Africa- Ship to Sau Paolu or Buones Aires-Antartica-Back to Argentina- then heading north by following the pasific coast to USA. From LA ship the bike to AU then to Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand-Burma-India-Banglades-India-Nepal-Pakistan-Iran and finaly back to Turkiye.
I am working out about the route and finance now. hope i can find some sponsors.
Until now I have done all the Europa route and now I am planning the Africa route.
I'll send posts if i come across with something interesting.
Wish all of you the best and good luck
ozhan u.
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