kawasaki ninja club russia
st.-petersburg, 2 august 2013
dearest friends, good day!

plz, take some attention.
4 august 2013 we are starting trip in the side of border of russia & estonia place. our town-target is ivangorod.
Link № 1:
ivangorod dot ru
cuz there are we have very and very interesting monument of century xv. that is the ivangorodskaiya fortress. they have pay at the gate for the museum from 1 person is a 100 rur = 1,99 gbp = 3,02 usd = 2,28 eur.
purpose of journey

training for the movements thru organized by pillar of motorcyclists & co-operative roading trip and of course take a walk, have a look at, lets talk about bread & butter perhaps, to try to lead a photoshoot and just to spend 1 good weekend with friendly temper. later little beano

[!sure, non-intoxicant beverage!] in one caffe from some traditional russian cuisine.
our path in russia: s.-pb > ivangorod > s.-pb.
280 km is a total = 140 km + 140 km.
the mileage is: 87 miles + 87 miles = 174 miles is a total.
average speed 100-120 km/h.
average speed 62-75 mph.
Link № 2:
ivangorod wiki
we are starting up our trip from neste gas station at 10:15 in the morning, by moscow time. address: tallinskoe highway / tallinskoe shosse, building # 161.
approximate time for returning into home 21:00 in the evening, by moscow time.
everyone, who really interested is invited!
if you have some questions or comments?

you are welcome in this topic.
Link № 3:
ivangorod history
marat / marat_r.
kawasaki ninja club russia
+7 (905) 217-74-49