rus st.-pb > rus valdai > rus st.-pb. for motorcyclists only.
kawasaki ninja club russia
st.-petersburg, 7 july 2013
for motorcyclists only.
hello, everyone! today, 7 july 2013, we are planning mini-trip to valdai. rendezvous: "lenta market" at shooshari / na moskovskom.
time for the start to trip: at 9:00 in the morning, by moscow time. claim: you must have gasoline inside your tank. 1st pit-stop after 130 km. 2nd pit-stop after 130 km again. next. final parking after arrival. soc. prog.: we are shall visit of the holy-iversky monastery and, perhaps, shall visit museum of bells in valdai. lunch in local cafe, sure. later, have a rest & returning to home. approximate time for returning into home 23:00 in the evening, by moscow time. event for a all day! you are welcome!
russia, valdai: Переводчик Google
maps:валдай...r=Валдай, Валдайский район, Новгородская область&t=m&z=7
peter / goksa.
kawasaki ninja club russia
tel :: +7 (904) 615-24-08
e-mail ::
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.