Originally Posted by Landroverholic
H Then back take in some of the BAM
There are only 2 parts of the BAM - west and east of Tynda. Once on either there is no early exit.
I am not trying to dampen enthusiasm (or enhance our own trip) but I cannot see any 4 wheeled vehicle doing any meaningful part of the BAM and continuing to do further exploits.
Totally, totally forget the BAM east of Tynda if on 4 wheels.
The western section to Tynda was driven by Michael Rej in 2009 (we met him coming the other way). He has been for many years at the top of the game of 4X4 adventure driving and from that his knowledge and fund raising sponsorship abilities ensure he knows and gets the very best equipped vehicles.
His vehicles were so badly knackered by Tynda he had to seriously curtail his onward expedition in Mongolia and barely got them back home to Poland.
Read this thread for more information and cautions
specifically from my post number 24, on the second page, onwards.
The BAM is one of life's last great challenges and I was lucky enough to have seen both west and east parts. Only 5 people in the World claim to doing the east section (all on bikes) and only 3 of those went on to do the west section as well. We all genuinely welcome others to this fairly exclusive group.
4 wheels ?
Think very, very seriously!
It's no picnic outing and once started there is no way out but back or onwards in a remote environment.
The only 'safety net' is the active railway line, but that itself could also be the killer.