we lived three years in oz and travelled twice across the Nullarbor. there are roadhouses at least every 300 km, but fill at every one you see and you'll be fine. carry as much water as is sensible as you get on the Nullarbor, it will save you a few bucks on buying bottled. which is available. you cant (should not drink out of the taps as it is bore water and too salty or just plain not clean)!!!! you can camp at road houses (good fun,

not cheap company usually great). for 20 bucks or so, many have dongas, (rooms) but 80+ bucks a night. some double that. expect to pay 1.70 up for gas, we carried five litres for cooking and just in case, the winds can be strong. food is mostly at best oil or worse greasy. we carried veg and made soup!!!! you CAN NOT at all take any thing fresh into WA no nuts seeds plants, bugger all but tinned is ok, you will be searched at the border and I think but not sure, you may be fined. you loose the food any how. I hate wasting food!!!!!!!!!
at Norseman the gas is affordable again, lol. If you can do 800+ clicks a day you'll nail it 6 to 8 days but for us 10 to 12 as my arse is not that tough. and it is nice to camp out under clear skies, FULL of stars and the milky way. we loved it. it will be warm but were from the uk and can handle heat, lol.
on your own you'll be fine, if your nervous (understandably solo) rent a satellite phone, I think the rv rental company's may rent you one, they certainly do if you hire off them, worth a shot.
would love to join you but we are in south America now.
Hope this helps and your trip is a great one.
on a less positive note we worked in the Pilbara, mining and the boom is not booming there any more. lots being made redundant, do research on that one. word of mouth better than an agency. Perth is much better to earn a $ than over east, we know that for fact, we have buddies in melbs and they are struggling to live.........
if you need more, my email is a
our blog is
Best of luck mi amigo!