I Dont FLY so QE2 Southampton to New York then ride to Costa Rica back to NewYork Jul
 Because i dont fly we are planning a trip round the USA end of July 2009 for about 10 weeks, we will arrive in NewYork on the QE2 and fly the bike out of london a week before then do the trip 'the long way round' so New York then north to Canada then over to the west cost of the US then down to, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, spend two weeks their then back up to El Salvador, Belize, Mexico, USA round to florida and the keys and back up to New York.
My Wife and I are having a work sabbatical for a 6 months or so and plan to camp the above ride 3-4 days a week and use cheap hotels on the other nights. We are looking to see if their is anyone out their who is planning this sort of trip next year? OR if anyone reads this and thinks its the kinda trip they would like to do with us? It would be nice to find 2 or 3 or MORE couples who would like to do this and we can certainly pool resources and have some safety in numbers. Shipping from the UK could also be cheaper with more bikes. Sam and i have put £10k by for the trip but will work out more depending on how much you camp and how much you use B&B!
 Its looking like the trip should be fantastic but with the pound dropping by 25c from its $2 doller per pound its made it more expensive. We hope the pound will improve. The QE2 will need to be booked soon, as the cheap cabins will start to go!!! we are looking at about £1,700 per person return based on two sharing. Its a 6 day crossing all food etc included. If anyones done this round trip before please let me have your comments? If anyone wants to do this but needs help then all they have to do is ask and i can provide all the information you could possibly need.
About 14,500 plus miles is on the cards depending on routes and conditions.
Last edited by Mick Tabs; 17 Oct 2008 at 10:11.