Well I have finally managed to persuade my wife to go on a adventure trip Europe-OZ . But not in another five years and with children.
I did this trip in 2009 on my GS and loved it and wanted to do it again eversince. But this time with a 4x4 and cross china.
I am so excited that I have already started preparing for this trip.
I have not yet decided on a vehicle - Landrover or Japanese 4x4?
Looking to get a 4x4 and slowly kit and prepare it for comfort, I love camping outdoors but not the wife. So it will be mostly ,where available, hotel stays. During my travel I only camped in europe and some places along the KKH , hotel stay is very cheap in the east so its not worth pitching a tent.
The preminalary route is :
start Sweden,Germany, Italy,Croatia,Serbia,Bulgaria Turkey,Georgia-Russia KZ
or Azerbajan to Turkmenistan ,Uzbek (pamir highway) Tajik,Kyrgyzstan , China down the KKH ,Pakistan, India ,Nepal ,Tibet back into China ,Myamar (if possible)
Laos,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia ,Australia
Estimated between 12-18 moths
Are here any fellow minded travellers,singel or families out there who wants to join us? Or keep in touch during this iniatial planing stage?
Maybe exchange some ideas , decide on vehicles , plan the route etc.
I know 5 year seems so far away, but its fun to plan for a Great Adventure
Last time I did this in a haste. I just packed and left

Did not plan it so well, rushed through the journey and got very tired in the end. This time I want a relaxed and comfortable journey.
so if your like minded with crazy ideas Keep in touch