UK-Spain Sept HU meet.
Hi Folks,
Is anyone heading down to the HU meet in Malaga (9-12th) in September?
I'm taking the Tenere down from Edinburgh and contemplating the Santander ferry or the Chunnel. I've not decided on a route yet and was wondering if anyone else would like to buddy up for the trip? I'll be taking the tent but can do B&B's if the weather sucks and was thinking of taking 3-4 days to get down there.
If there's a group going down and you'd like a medic on board then let me know.
After the meet I'm heading to Portugal then a bit of a European tour, (OktoberFest, Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Brussels) for the rest of September.
'Security is a product of one's own imagination, it does not exist in nature as a rule, life is either a daring adventure or nothing.'