Hello, my name is MIKE. I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. This is a great site for adventure rider enthusiasts and I thought that it would be a great place to announce my contest.
I am producing a South America Motorcycle Adventure Movie that will be filmed in a similar fashion to the “The Long Way Round”, with a contest to select my riding partner and pick the motorcycle photographer. The selected riding partner and photographer will need to provide their own motorcycle, riding gear, shots, passport, and air travel & transportation to the departure point -- everything else will be provided (maybe a free bike depending on sponsership!). The trip plan is to depart from El Paso, TX on Feb 1, 2007 and ride to the tip of South America in 30-40 days.
How often do you get an opportunity to go on an all expenses paid 40 day adventure, star in a movie, and receive a professionally filmed memoir of your trip?
To help with the planning of this movie adventure, a topic will be posted each week for everyone to submit their ideas and suggestions. I need everyone’s help to make this production a success.
Here is a sample of the topics that will be posted:
What would the perfect Website include?
What qualifications should a riding partner meet?
What should contestants be required to submit?
Which motorcycle to use: Avantages, disadvantages, cost, comfort, reliability?
Is sponsorship really necessary?
What charities do we support?
The evil of marketing: Were do I sign?
Legal Consultant required?
Best Bike Modifications (Bike Bits)?
What to see & do?
Will just any motorcycle photographer do?
What route should we take?
What to take on the trip: Spare parts, equipment, gear, supplies?
Best videoing and filming strategy?
Is a Satellite phone really necessary?
Which shipping drop points for sending out film and getting new supplies?
What to eat and what to avoid?
What are the dangers: Diseases, sickness, accidents, theft?
What paperwork, visa, carnet, passports are required?
To Chase or not: Can the trip be successful without a chase vehicle?
Should a Life Purpose consultant be consulted?
Fitness trainer real needed pre-trip?
Health, Digestion, & Diet Consultant: Hollywood hype?
What to expect at Borders Crossings?
If YOU have questions, comments, or are interested in submitting a video audition for the SOUTH AMERICA MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE CONTEST, Contact Mike at:
Phone: 1-734-323-9616
I have just watched The Long Way Round DVD and am totally motivated to make a trip & movie of my own. The movie showed the spiritual side of having such an adventure. The personal accomplishment of meeting challenges along the way is an enticement for me. Were else could such camaraderie and adventure be rolled in to one. A trip like this brings out the good in people and leads the participants to face challenges that build character and spiritual enlightenment. Although I have an immense amount of respect and admiration for Ewan and Charlie, the journey really doesn’t portray what it would be like for the average motorcycle enthusiast. I am planning an adventure from El Paso Texas down to the tip of South America but with out the fan fare and celebrity theme. The trip will be filmed in similar fashion to the Long Way Round DVD. However, a riding partner will be selected from Video Auditions which will require a simple driving test & Q&A segment. The winning participants will be responsible for providing their own Motorcycle, Gear, Passport, Shots, and Transportation to the departure point. Everything else for the trip will be paid for. Each of us could ride a different motorcycle from Honda, BMW, and KTM. This will provide a comparative storyline and real world evaluation of the most common overland bikes used by world travelers today. My quest for a motorcycle adventure trip was sparked by Ted Simon’s book “Jupiter’s Travels”. I came across this book while perusing back in winter 2003. I couldn’t put the book down ending in a two day marathon read. This book brought new adventure over each horizon, spiritual renewal of youthful scars, and meeting new people. It led to a culmination knowing that I to would journey to another land via motorcycle. The Long Way Round rekindled this yearning bringing me to a place of soulful recognition of my heartfelt promise to journey on.