Originally Posted by Kurvenfieber
It´s a safe choice to rent or even buy a local twowheeler, as it´s a problem entering vietnam on your own bike, even if it´s bought in a LOS (Land Of Smiles) country.
I wouldn´t bother about the rainy season, as it changes constantly.
There have ben augusts in the past with almost no rain in Thailand due to climate change, so predicting the rain in summer ist like roulette.
I know many people travelling the LOS in summer, as they only have holidays in that period.
They all enjoyed.
I will be in S-E asia from beginning of october. Drive from Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur to Singapore for some martial arts training.
Then head up north for chilling on the islands and ride around the LOS.
Maybe we meet somewhere. If I go to vietnam I´ll do it on a vietnamese bought/rented bike.
cu and good luck
The rainy season does not change from year to year in SEAsia. It is from may/june to september/october with august and september as the months with most rain. But of course one year is not exactly like another year and it can be huge variations from year to year. In 2011 it was huge floodings and blocked roads, roads washed away etc and affections all the time up until january/february the next year until all roads were cleared and passable again.
There have been experienced overlanders/RTW riders on this forum who have been forced or chosen to stop their ride in SEAsia during the rainy season because of.....rain. Just to have that mentioned.
Its not only thats its a bit more unpleasant to ride in rain, its much more dangerous too. The traffic in SEAsia isnt as in EU, US etc. They have no idea about for example aquaplaning on rainy roads and there are heaps of pick ups and other vehicles overturned and smashed in the ditches just after a little shower there.
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....