Tamworth (ish) to Perth (ish) boxing day till first week in January
I'm doing a mad dash across Southern Australia in an effort to get to a shearing team in time, about 8 days with an average of 550 kilometres a day, at about 100 kms an hour. I'm looking for some company with a similar small budget. Im starting in Bangalow (near Byron) on boxing day and heading for Esperince in WA.
I'm on a fairly beefy 250 gsx. I have all the camping stuff although my tent is awfully small, so if your a farly strapping lass or lad i would think bringing your own tent would be the best way to go!
I generally like to rise about 7 or 8 and get going pretty quickly, stopping for lunch and petrol around midday then just cooking something up on the trangear at night, although im flexible so let me know how you like to roll and il do my best to fit in with you!
email me on stackmansarah@gmail.com or telephone 66884088
alternatively, you can text 0419 996 537
all the best!
sarah x