I think before you do anything else at all you should work out as close an estimate of the distance as possible, add at least 10% for getting lost and last minute changes, check you've got the calculations correct and then divide the number you come up with by 90 days (3 months), that will give you the milage that you have got to do to make it round your planned route in the time allotted.
After you've done that sit back and catch your breath. Then start to plan things so that you can acheive a comfortalbe trip with as much stop over time you want worked into it. Don't forget 90 days of continuous riding is not a holiday and no real fun.
After that, rethink your plans for a realistic trip.
All the best.
Rev Chris.
Skin Is A Canvass - Tattoo It!
Skin Is A Canvass - Tattoo It!