Trans-Africa and Asia Expedition departing end Oct '03
Hi Folks
Don't know where Jef Iman's group has got to but just to let you know about an expedition departing from London on around the 27th Oct 2003. We are planning a loop around Africa starting down the west side and then across to India/Tibet/Nepal and on down through Asia.
No fixed itinery, just taking it as it comes - this is a life trip not a package holiday. Same thing with timescales although we have blocked out the coming year in our diaries.. :-)
At the moment the group comprises of two guys on 1150GS's with one other interested but too many commitments..
The more the merrier so anyone who's interested or has any comments, please shout!
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do!!"
 Life is... the gap between one big bike trip and the next