I know that this is primarily a motorcycle forum, but there aren't really any good global english-language 4x4 forums, so I am posting here. I normally ride a motorcycle, but have decided to switch it up to a Land Rover Defender.
I have a Land Rover Defender 110 currently located in Buenos Aires. The vehicle is getting some repair work done right now. It is fully kitted out for expedition travel with roof tent, sink, interior sleeping, water tank, fridge, stove, solar power, etc. Aside from a few non-essential items which i am in the process of purchasing, this vehicle is ready to overland.
I have traveled much of South America already with different types of transport, but I still want to see more of the region and this time with the LandRover. My wife is unable to join me on the expedition, so i thought that it would be great to offer the open seat to someone else. I'm finding it's much harder than I thought to find people with the freedom to do something like this for 3 months or so.
I am hoping to get started in October 2010 from Buenos Aires. Route undetermined and very open to suggestions. Though i do insist on traveling in the Pantanal and interior of Brasil

at the very least. If i can't get started by October due to lack of travel partner, then i will postpone until December at the very latest, at which point i will do the trek alone.
If you think you might like to do something like this, please send me a PM. In general i am looking for someone who is travel savvy and somewhat mechanically inclined (as it is inevitable we will be repairing the Land Rover at some point!

). I am pretty travel savvy and mechanically inclined myself, so it is nice to have someone who can help out. Decent language skills would also be helpful.
The cost of the expedition will be pretty low as we only have to pay for diesel (does 10L/100km), food for cooking, and any repairs.