UK to Israel - 30th Aug til 4th(ish) Oct 2008
my company have confirmed i can take 5weeks paid  so i'm off on the Super Tenere
idea is it should take me approx 4 weeks (with 1 weeks contingency) to get to Israel roughly following the north mediterranean coast after leaving Italy
i plan to leave the bike (hopefully at a friend of my Dads) in Israel and go back to it in Feb/March 2009, either to complete the round the med trip in a similar time frame or (if i have the cash) to head off for a bit longer
i'm planning to camp where possible, but if you can offer me a couch or floor along the way i'll be most grateful
if anyone wants to join me you are welcome, you dont have to be on an trailie, this part of the trip is mostly road based.
XTZ750 91 - overland touring toy
TDM850 91 - main bike & commuter
TRX850 97 - sunnyday twisty toy
"Never argue with an idiot. They just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"