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Old 11 Oct 2007
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Hey Paul
Here's a list of medication I took to Nepal.
I used the Ginko Biloba for a month before I went then used it daily as I ascended and seemed to work till I got to 6,000m, then I fell over!

Daily medication:
Name Use Dosage
Centrum Multivitamin 1 daily
Ginko Biloba Altitude/circulation 1 daily
Glucosamine Joints 1 daily
Doxycycline Diarrhea preventative 1 daily

Other medication as required:
Name Use Dosage
Temaze Sleeping pill 1 tab at night
Norfloxacin Antibiotic 1 tab twice daily
Simplotan Serious diarrhea 4 tabs taken together (1 dose)
Amoxil Antibiotic Chew 1 tab 3 times daily

Panadeine Forte Strong pain
Nurofen Aches and pain
Panadol Extend Headaches

Zyrtec Hayfever

Gastrolyte Hydration

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Old 12 Oct 2007
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Getting across China

Hi there threadwatchers .....

I've been talking with Sheen earlier today (see previous page of the thread). He's been doing his homework for getting across China, and has come up with some interesting proposals.

As he's indicated, it would need 5 people for it to viable. We've got up to 4 of us so far who are looking to get across to Laos/Thailand for middle of next year, leaving as early in 2008 as practical (April/May). Which would leave a place for at least one more person that would allow us to push ahead with this plan to get thro' the country.

Me, Ken, Bjorn and Jimmy (Hi Guys) have already been in touch, with a view to getting something organised between us. But there may be others of you interested in finding out more ... If so get in touch ASAP, and will let you have as much info' as I've got so far.

Catch ya later ........ Lenzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Old 14 Oct 2007
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Interested ....

When & where are you guys having your next meet .... ?

Gats '

Last edited by Gatso'shy; 14 Oct 2007 at 14:20.
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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by jimmy46 View Post
Hi Sheen, I have spoken to Len,Ken,Bjorn and it seems we all started with different time plans...I have brought mine forward to match Kens...Not sure if Bjorn is going to do the same ..Len was unsure when we met last week. Bjorn has a time based spreadsheet that should be filled in by everyone interested and maybe it will evolve into two seperate groups on two seperate dates.... early May is too soon for me I want to be in Thailand early July and imagine the China transit will take a Month..therefore Early June is my prefered entry date..I believe this is the same for Ken...we need perhaps a minimum of two more for that for the costs to become sensible. I havn't checked the weather in China in early May but advise you to check the weather on the high passes and mountains ...As and when we have a firm travel group it may work best if we split the tasks between us..one handles routing, one does visas, one does China permissions, one does logistics for service and spares/tyres etc...I think we need to be firm by the new year in order to sort China out before we leave U.K. in May

Regards Jimmy
hello jimmy, i have meet-ups in malaysia mid july, therefore beg july in thailand is fine ie entry dates from stans end may / beg june. are there any more riders keen to come onboard to ride across china ?? nice to have 2/3 more to drum up an application. there will be chinese surprises waiting, am thinking earlier the application the better, given the long application process they need.

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Old 15 Oct 2007
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altitude sickness

Hi All,
Its nice to know so many want to go as safety in numbers but I have been a little worried about altitude sickness so went to see my doctor who assures me that anyone no matter how old or how fit can get altitude sickness above 8,000 feet so the more that go the more chance of somebody getting it, which as you all can see means that the whole party must assist him/her and cannot move on till better.

I have looked at the route and as far as I can make out if we keep north of the main mountains ( Himalayas) and head for central China then do a right ( I know it sounds daft ) and head south to Kunming and then Laos I think we should have no problems but still should be up in the 10.000 ft area, so what do you all think about this ?????. looking forward to meeting up with whoever is going sometime next month.

Safe Riding
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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Altitude sickness

Hi Ken,

Indeed, anyone can get altitude sickness. It doesn't matter how old you are, or if you smoke or not, or if you do lots of sports. But in most cases it only happens if people want too much, too soon.
The trick is to acclimatize properly. I went to Nepal 10 years ago and we did a 17000 ft pass, walking. No problem at all. But I did acclimatise properly and carefully. What a lot of people try to do (wherever possible) is: go up and then a little down again. For example: start at 2000m, go up to 2500-2800 and then try to find a night's sleep a few hundred meters lower.
At the time, once I had done to 17000 ft pass, I got a little dizzy about 1h later when I was already on my way down again. In the evening we slept at 15000 ft, and I was OK.
Whilst doing the pass, we met about 30-40 people over the course of two weeks, coming and going from either side of the pass. No-one had experienced any problems, but again: they all took it easy and spent about 2-3 days around 2500m before they went any further.

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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Altitude sickness and other stuff ...

Oooh! That's something I've not considered. As a mild ashmatic it could be interesting. I'll be travelling with a couple of puffers as normal ... not sure whether they'd help. I'm in generally good nick apart from that, and try to keep moderatly fit with a bit of jogging. But as you say Bjorn, that won't necessarally make any difference .....

To Ken ... are you proposing a meeting next month? Jimmy's neck o' the woods around Birmingham?

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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Wink stop considering ....

Originally Posted by Lenz2 View Post
Oooh! That's something I've not considered. As a mild ashmatic it could be interesting. I'll be travelling with a couple of puffers as normal ... not sure whether they'd help. I'm in generally good nick apart from that, and try to keep moderatly fit with a bit of jogging. But as you say Bjorn, that won't necessarally make any difference .....

To Ken ... are you proposing a meeting next month? Jimmy's neck o' the woods around Birmingham?


Whatever you worry about .....

It'll always be something different that gets you ......
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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Hi ....

Jimmy ....

I originally mooted this trip back in Nov06 ... but got way layed ....

maybe still possible for me ..... not enough posts for a PM ....

but I must be close now ... ha
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Old 15 Oct 2007
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Next meeting etc

Hi All it seems we have more than a little momentum, The google earth add on file that you found Bjorn is amazing!!!. I have sent for more printed maps from bikechina, I tried downloading a GPS map of China but its in Polish format and needs converting to Garmin suitable format...must admit thats not something I am up tp speed with, anyone here into that sort of thing?.I tried newland travel but their web sites down..any luck with contacting guides Bjorn?. Re meeting I am away all December so November would seem best ( though I maybe in Iran for a week then but no confirmed dates yet). I guess a Saturday or Sunday 10th,17th,24th? we don't have a ACE cafe up here but I am sure I can find a suitable place, while I am on does anyone have a systen for forwarding parcels from euroland?. I want to order fromn touratech and have the package forwarded from Europe to me...

Hope to see a lot of you soon Jimmy
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Old 15 Oct 2007
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November meeting

Hi Jimmy, 17 Nov is good for me and hopefully on my new bike, and Bjorn that is a great site full of info make me want to get going tomorrow ??, and Len don't worry I am in same boat regarding health and heights.
take care all
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Old 16 Oct 2007
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China maps

Hello all
I found this today with plenty of China maps, High clear map,map,China map,shenzhen map,world map,city map,province map,landform map
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Old 17 Oct 2007
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Joining you guys

Hey there!

I'm looking at heading East from the UK around the same time as you guys, so would be intereswted in the possibility of tagging along...

Before we get carried away with signing me up and all that jazz though, I'd like to know a bit more about you guys... For a trip like this it's obviously fairly crucial that everyone gets on! I guess you'd better know a bit about me first-

I'm 28, working as a clay modeller in Germany, though before that I was working as motorcycle designer in India (3 years) and Thailand (5 months) and then briefly in California. I chase the things that make me happy, so I'm heading off round the world by motorcycle. Motorcycles are everything to me. I ride a VFR800 on the road, though an RVF400 round the track, or a Beta somethingorother at the supermoto track, and have enjoyed motocross and trials riding too (tricksinthesticks.co.uk - awesome fun!). If it has 2 wheels I'll ride it. Including mountain bikes. I take the piss, and expect it in return, though I never miss a good opportunity to shut up. Having lived in India for 3 years (and survived riding a Bullet every day 70kms to work!) I'm super chilled, and learned to tollerate most things. I don't do angry.

Anyway, we'd have to meet in person, but just to give me an idea about you guys, to see if it's a possible goer.

Look forward to hearing from and about you!



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Old 17 Oct 2007
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Talking Designers!!

Hi Nick, I am Jimmy, Retired Engineer (gave it up pissed off with designers drawing things that couldn't be made)Ridden all over Cambodia,Lao,Thailand rode UK to south Korea via Vladivostok in 2005. Older than you, find it impossible to use the word chilled except when ordering a decent drink.As for compatability I think a group of more than 4 or 5 presents problems re accomodation, speed, ability etc a group of three rarely works. You are more than welcome at our next meet. Have fun!!

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Old 18 Oct 2007
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G'day Nick, and welcome to Jimmy's thread.

If you get in touch, I'll send you a spreadsheet with contact details for some other guys following this thread. I've already mailed you with my Eaddress.

I suggest you ava'chat with some of the others. Though don't be too surprised, as madness is a common disease of long-distance bikers

Hear from ya soon. Lenzzzzzzzzzz
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