Originally Posted by RodYork
I did a similar trip recently ...but never made it to Turkey as you will see!
Have a great time..I have just returned from Turkey.....V hot!
the link is in my signature....what could go wrong certainly did!
Well...............I'm already a day behind. Because if it could go wrong it has. Most importantly my V5 doc for the bike is nowhere to be found. It simply isn't in the purple folder with the four other vehicles V5. Any idea where it might be? ( I have looked under carpets )  
Update a few hours later. Gave up looking ordered a new one. Got an email temp V5 to cover me .........hopefully ?
Regards Tim
Learning my craft for the big stuff, it won't be long now and it's not that far anyway
Last edited by g6snl; 8 Aug 2014 at 22:37.
Reason: update after a few hours