Under 20 year-old needed for foolishness around Europe and A
Hi folks,
I'm in the very early stages of planning a trip around Europe and Africa, starting this time next year. First I've got to finish my college course and save up a bit of dosh.
I'm looking for someone who doesn't mind taking things as they come. (doesn't have to be a seasoned biker) Preferably someone young (I'll be 18) I'll only have around £2000 to £3000 spending money for the whole year, so stopping off and working for a month here and there will be essentual. At the moment I'm riding a Honda CG125, though I have my bike test looming next month, after which I'll get either a cheap 250cc bike or a 450/500cc cheapun. - Therefore a travelling companion who already has something like this would be grand but not assentual. To save dosh I'll be wreckoning on riding 2-up, sleeping rough/camping most nights.
This'll be my gap year, so the main aim is to see the world, have a hoot, take it easy, keep it cheap etc.
Both Mail and Femial replyees would be most welcome, - route and times flexible... You're only young once,