Vancouver,B.C. to Viedma, Argentina
I will be leaving Vancouver,B.C. early October 2007
Ushuaia is my ultimate goal, but would like to hit the meeting in Viedma.
My previous rides, the Dempster to Inuvic, Trans Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador, Texas, Copper Canyon in Mexico and the West Coast to Capo San Lucas have all been solo rides.
It would be great to team up with other riders on the way to South America.
I am well into retirement age, 71 to be precise, but feel comfortable with 600 km days. My ride is a 2000 650 GS.
Checking out some local attractions and meeting the locals should have higher priority then making maximum miles, unless there is the absolute need to knock off a thousand Km's
The trip is only moderately well researched and input from potential ride mates would be welcome.
GS Pete
Last edited by Peter Oechsler; 22 Aug 2007 at 06:40.
Reason: spelling error