Well, I've made it to Buenos Aires
I've had bad luck in Argentina so far with my bike. On the 27th I got a flat tire doing 70mph (I was on those 'rivited' roads, it just ate my tire away). On the 29th I busted an oil line (or something, not sure) 60 miles from Buenos Aires. I'm having Dakar Motos take a look at it today. Hope it's not too expensive!  It's not really an oil leak, more like a waterfall. And it won't change out of neurtral. And it starts smoking every time I start her up (after adding more oil of course). Doesn't sound good.
I went to the real BMW dealers here but I was highly unimpressed with them. At one the manager kept walking away to help other customers while I tried explaining the situation. And the other said he only worked on bikes that were 'Guaranteed' or something. I asked what that was and he said it was for bikes that are under 2 years old. Mine's an '03.
Anyways, I'll be doing a homestay here for 2 months to learn spanish. If any body else is here let's meet up and have a  .  After that I'm headed down to Ushuaia in Sept.