Originally Posted by darbya
My last bike is on the side of a road in Peru after being attacked by a jaywalking cow
Sorry bout that cow. Sure tasted good though!
I hope I can meet up with some of you for a bit of the Trans Canada.
I'm still in Brasil heading south on the Atlantic coast then up Chile through Patagonia. Most of this trip is over with only around 28,000 km to my home in California over the next 3 months. Plan to ride up to Deadhorse around July so gotta do more Canada.
Not sure why some say east to west or west to east. :confused1: Don't most need to return home somehow? For the return do folks ride onto ViaRail RoRo style?
Jay '1Dakar Calif.2Rio de Janeiro Carnival'12, Ushuaia 2 Amazon on Atlantic. Interior, Brasilia, CarnivalRio'13. Andes, PacificPatagonia USA>Florida>DeadhorseAK2014!