Women riders round-the-world relay looking for riders
Hi, I'm one of the organizers of the Women Riders World Relay, an around-the-world relay ride for women, which starts next month in the UK and then carries on through Europe, into Asia, on to Australia and then to the Americas before going to Africa and the Middle East, and back to the UK..
We are hoping to connect women to carry a baton around the world over the course of a year. We have a general round-the-world route established and are getting assistance in each country to help coordinate route planning and riding. We could use some help with getting the baton across Ukraine (May 28-30), Turkey (June 6-13), Iran (June 14-23), and Pakistan (June 24-July 3).
Would anyone be interested in participating or carrying the baton for any of those countries? Please feel free to message me with any questions or contacts if you know of someone who might be able to help.
Thanks so much.