What a pity....?
G·day all, 
the recordbook wasn·t actually the idea....:confused1:
What I was thinking was : riders from all countries and continents  :alucard:  making a stand for that it actually is possible to live /ride in peace( complicated I admit but possible)! To kind of give/live an example!  The world has come to a point, in my opinion, where people have lost faith in that the world can change  , at least a little, if people care and make efforts- if people publicly take a stand-  ! It·s being done by Daniel Barenboim, mixing jewish and palestinian musicians in his orquestre work, it·s being done in sports, ex. the olympic games etc. etc. Are motorbikers just people who ride motorbikes:confused1: , or is there a more "serious/interesting" ideology riding along with us as a pillon? I thought there was!
If nobody thinks the same I don·t give a sh....te. I·m used to being a freak  !