Safe back to Europe - Africa without Carnet de Passage
Ok so we made it without a CpD!
Ethiopia - Moyale - Free (just completed a form (TIP) and asked for a copy of the registration paper)
Sudan - Metema - 15 Sudanese Pounds for TIP (~3USD).
Egypt - Aswan - Now the funny part: 2500EgP (410USD) for a CpD from the Auto Club of Emirates with 2 pages. Egypt is insanely expensive if you travel with your vehicle; besides Cpd we've payed some extra 700Egp (115USD) to enter from Sudan (Custom clearance, plates, licence, fixer commission) and 2150EgP(350USD) to exit towards Turkey (1250 Custom Clearance, 750 Shipping Agent Commission, 150 Storage in Port Said)
So after 420 days in Africa we've payed 625USD in order to cross without Carnet de Passage. Way cheaper than the 500Euro/year +10000Euro deposit asked by the ACR thieves in Romania. Even if you make a carnet with ADAC (the cheapest option in EU) you still pay ~200E/Year + 3000E deposit (that's ~150E interest if you keep the deposit in your account). Not to mention that with a Cpd you'll be asked for money at a lot of borders in order to stamp it.
Without this useless piece of paper you're stress free if you want to travel around Africa and you don't have a strict schedule (more than one year). Except for Egypt all borders are "hassle" free if you use your common sense and you engage in conversation with the customs people. If you use fixers than you'll be ripped off by everybody and you'll be treated like a walking wallet.