Sorry - i was not online - elsewhere i had answered your question:
The Source of the map is the TCS, our automobile club in switzerland.
This Map was Online till Februar 2013 - where it is replaced with a drop down menue for each country. Too bad, this overview was valuable.. It will soon be outdated - but actually it is valid.
You can do a triple-check if you want (links are here)
4x4tripping: Fahrzeug Formalitäten recherchieren...
General stuff about the carnet:
4x4tripping: Das Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD)
Our Experiences:
During our transafrica we used the carnet in Angola (where it is not valid).
Without our querying we would had entered South Africa without carnet (what is not legal)
We had a small accident in SA, where the police ask after the car papers and the legalization of using them in SA. Good that we had the carnet.
So you can have luck and can drive at countrys who needs a carnet - but if you meet the wrong official - you can pickup some bad action too :-) There is no reason for trying cheating - when you just want to enjoy your ride, or?
The funny part of the other thread was, that we all wrote "you don't need a carnet in South america" Therefore this is common sense AND is also showed in the map - chris where is the point of discussion?