Bike Insurance UK - desperately need ideas!!
Hi All,
I have a problem (fast becoming a major pain in the a--) regaring bike insurance in the UK. M Aussie reg'd CBR900RR is arriving mid-may from Home. I'm supposed to be riding through Europe for a few months. Because my address is changing from Aus to UK for over one year, I'm required to "import the bike permanently" which requires changing to UK rego. No problems, I'm lead to believe.
B4 being able to swap the reg., I need UK insurance.
I can't even get a quote on 3rd party from anyone for a variety of reasons - haven't lived in uk for over 3 years, no no-claim bonus, I'm 27 and have a 900cc sportsbike. The ONLY quote anyone can give me so far is £3500 for comprehensive, which I don't want - that's almost the cost of a bew bike!!
Been riding 7 years, never damaged anither vehicle,never claimed anything, but have only ever had the compulsory third party we have for our registration in Aus, which gives no no-claim bonus. HELP.....
Does anyone know how to get around this ??
Can I perhaps insure with a European company?
I really don't want to have to pack the bike and send her home without accomplishing my dream......
Mark T.