No Banjercito at Tecate
We came through Tecate 4 days ago and we could not get the import paperwork for the bike done here. We were told that we would have to get it from Tijuana or Mexicali.
We got the same answer from three different immigration people at the Tecate border crossing, wether that was just something peculiar to that day or they don't do it there any more (that was the impression that I got) I'm not sure.
We are staying just south of Ensenda and I found out that there is a Banjercito at the immigration office here but they only do the import paperwork for boats, bugger.
I went back up to Tijuana today and got the permit/sticker no problems. They wanted a copy of my passport, registration details (which I had), also a copy of my Tourist card (which I didn't but they did not worry about that in the end) They do have copy facilities at the immigration/Banjercito. And a credit card.
The only problem I did have was finding the place but that was due to the fact that I was trying to get there from the south. I suspect that if you were coming across the border it would be as big a problem. I grabbed a GPS waypoint for info
N32 32.424'
W117 01.943'
Have fun
Ian J