Bringing Overseas Vehicles to Australia
I just picked up an interesting leaflet from The RTA (Oz version of UK AA and DVLC combined sort of!!!)
Anyway it deals with bringing your vehicles in:
Carnets are good - they like them.
If you don't have or don't want you can go under Section 162 of the Customs Act - this is a bit of a nightmare. You need to:
duty and sales tax
a permit from the Federal Office of Road Safety (FORS) BEFORE you ship.
the vehicle to be registered in it's home country for the period of your stay.
an IDP.
Some useful addresses/numbers:
GPO Box 1553
Canberra ACT 2601
61 6 274 7506
Customs (NS)
GPO Box 8
Sydney NSW 2001
61 2 9213 2000
QBE Insurance
82 Pitt St
Sydney NSW 2001
61 2 9235 4444
Western Underwriters
43 Hunter St
Parramatta NSW 2150
61 2 9895 5344
RTA (where you register and get your vehicle permit)
PO Box K198
Haymarket NSW 2000
61 2 13 2213