As far as I know ,it is not technically required , although It will make things much easier .
I am doing same route (from Gambia ) to Cameroon (via Nigeria) , this April/May , and I am still undecided about getting the dammed carnet (for me is quite cheap, about 600 Euros all together) .
Somewhere in this BB, someone said that carnet was definitely not required in these countries (including Cameroon , Nigeria and Eq Guinea ) .
Main problem seems that Visas for Nigeria are issued in Accra with -either a Return Air Ticket - OR a valid carnet de passage .
Let me know if you discover something about the need of a carnet in these countries ., pls.
>>Hi, does anyone know if a carnet is needed for these countries: Mauritania, Mali Burkina faso, Guinia, Bissau, Gahna, Togo, Benin?