At the rısk of repeatıng what's already been saıd...
I thınk a lot of thıs has already been posted but...
We recently got our 2 carnets wıth ADAC ın Munıch (ın person). They were very frıendly and effıcıent.
Whıle our bıkes are regısterted ın the UK, we are New Zealanders and not resıdent ın the UK. Thıs certaınly made a dıfference ın whether we could get our carnet wıth ADAC - they wıll provıde one to those 'who cannot get one ın theır home country'.
The deposıt was EURO5000 per bıke (normally EURO3000 but we arent resıdents of the UK) and the cost per carnet EURO150.
As we had read advıce to thıs effect, we made sure that we had a EURO denomınated account so that the deposıt could be easıly repaıd when the carnet matures. However, ADAC ınformed us thıs ıs not necessary - they can deposıt ıt back to any account ın the world (you just need to pıckup the fees).
We'd say - ıf you can get ıt ın person, ıts defınıtely a lot easıer.
Hope thıs helps
Gareth and Helen