carnets for africa...what's the deal?
carnets for Africa
what's the deal-eo with carnets in Africa? I'm hearing conflicting reports about countries relaxing their regulations, etc. Is it absolutely neccesary to travel through Africa with a carnet? Can you get by without one?
Is there anybody out there who is either on the road in the Dark Continent or has just returned and can fill us in on the situation? we really don't want to go throught the hassles and costs of getting one, but also don't want to be screwed at every border.
We're starting from SA in early 2008, our 'planned' route thus far is SA, Lesotho, Swazi, Namib, Botswana, Zim, Zam, Mozam, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco.
Thanks for the input.....T&T