Carnet Prices
Is anyone able to point me in the direction of documentation on the prices/options of a carnet from They list the price of the document itself (£210-250) but don't seem to provide any way of calulating what the cost would be. I was hoping for a table of countries with multipliers, and a formula for working it out as I saw years ago.
I'd like to be able to play with figures to see the effects of taking an expensive/cheap bike would be, or altering routes to avoid countries with excessive import penalties. If anyone has experience with getting a carnet from them, feel free to post.
As I understand it at the moment there are two options.
1. Large payment with small return, when the carnet is returned
2. Massive deposit, with most of it returned at the end if nothing goes wrong.
I would presume the second option is better for cheap bikes, the first better for expensive ones. The second option also being better for travel exceeding a year.
Any input welcome.
Edit: Academically, what is the risk of seriously undervaluing your motorbike with respect to the carnet? If all goes well, you just pay less overall. If the motorbike is written off/stolen/sold then in the case of option one you lose a small amount which is negligable compared to the cost of the motorbike, you've already paid out signifigantly and without possibility of refund.
With option two you lose a larger sum, but less than you would have otherwise, and you've already lost the bike, so no reason to put yourself more out of pocket? The only reason that would be a problem is people transporting cars to other countries to avoid sales taxes. These rules seem to unreasonable harm travellers when they are already in severe hardship and do not much else useful?
Last edited by StormTrooper; 17 Feb 2017 at 03:05.