No idea about Chinese exit procedures but:
1) What citizenship do you have? I.e. if you are an EU citizen, then as soon as you cross EU borders on a bike you own on foreign plates, you're essentially importing it and are expected to pay customs dues, register it locally etc.
2) If you are not expecting to return to China on the bike, what will you do with it at the end of your trip? To sell it outside China, you would again need to pay customs dues to register it locally in another country. Or maybe you scrap it - make sure that the country you're in will accept the scrapping paperwork to close your temporary import permit! Then you also probably need to return the plates and registration certificate to China to end the original registration there, unless you never want to step foot into China again in your life.
3) Does the Chinese vehicle paperwork have an English translation? I expect the countries immediately bordering China know how to read Chinese paperwork and confirm you are actually the owner of the vehicle, but get two or three countries away, and you might be thought of as a thief.