Shipping your bike OUT of the USA should be fairly simple, straightforward process. Your Cargo/Shipping company or freight forwarder should handle everything required at the USA end. They will charge for ALL these "services".
I'm guessing USA DHS will sign off after a physical inspection of goods and recording of bike details. Not sure what else they may require?
NOTE: bringing a bike INTO the country is another matter. You may need an MCO for this but usually the original title document will suffice.
Korea, Russia and other countries are a whole different matter. No idea what each one requires. Original title is best, IMO but some countries will accept registration or temp title.
You could ask your lender for a copy of title but their lien will still appear on title. This is not a big deal as long as your name appears on title as legal owner.
(actually Bank is legal owner until you pay off loan)
Your shipper/agent or freight forwarder should be able to answer questions more precisely. Good luck, have a safe trip!