Forign Temp Green Card Insurance that Covers More!
I have been planning a trip in Europe that will dip down into Western Europe and the Middle East, and have been doing research into insurance. I believe I understand how the green card insurance works, but would like to look at other options if they exist
So as I understand it, I can get my greencard through ADAC for something like 50 euros a month which will cover me in Europe (ECC countries). It has nothing to do with my insurance here in Canada, and in fact, I wouldn't even need to have any policy here. (I may cancel my insurance here as my bike will be over there for over a year).
As I leave for eastern europe, and the middle east, my green card would no longer cover me and I would be forced to buy temp. insurance at every single border crossing. This is a problem for me not only because it is a hassle and expensive, but also because it is nearly impossible to collect information on temp. insurance for every single country, especially some in the middle east and northern africa. Does anyone know of a rescourse that gives you information on temp. insurance in these countries? Is it a better bet to go with the green card for Europe and then go on temp insurance, or is there some type of green card type insurnace for tourists with their own bikes, that extends beyond ECC countries?
Always love to hear from you all. Also, I know there has been a lot of talk about green card insurance, I've read it all. Unfortunatly I haven't found anything on my specific case, so thus the new thread here. If I am missing something, please just let me know. Thanks