General bike insurance question - Africa
My wife and I are heading for Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya). Our Norwegian insurance doesn't cover south of sahara and obtaining insurance from the traditional Norwegian insurance firms proves impossible.
I'll probably be able to aquire insurance from some foreign firm, like Loyds or some similar company, but I have some concerns regarding my wife as she will just have obtained her motorcycle licence at the start of our trip, Will this pose a problem? Will insurance companies be willing to issue insurance to a fresh license holder?
To what degree is it necessary for me and her to hold insurance for travelling in these countries? Will I experience hassle from officials?
Other issues?
How can or should I go about these issues?
Both bikes are in my name. Will an insurance company issue one person coverages for two separate bikes to travel through Africa? Will my wife be able to ride on my coverage or will she need her own?
Any recomendations? Any recomended insurance companies?
How much should I expect to pay?
I know I am asking to be spoon fed here... sorry