Getting Carnet While Travelling
I am an Australian citizen. I am currently in Germany and want to go to the UK to buy a motorbike to travel. I have the following questions and would very much appreciate help.
1 If I purchase a UK registered bike is there a way I can get a Carnet while I am Europe that will allow me to travel in some of the countries that require carnets eg Nth Africa and India, Iran.
2 If the above is not possible and I decided to ship an Australian bike registered in my name overseas do I have to go back to Australia to get the carnet or can I apply for it and get it while overseas.
3 I have an international licence that will expire in February 2010. Can I renew it while overseas?
I noticed in planning section under carnets (2008 update to Australian law) it states that under the Australian import laws a bike will not be allowed into Australia unless the carnet is issued in the country that the owner of the bike is a resident of. Based on this I cannot take a bike into Australia that I buy outside Australia unless the carnet is issed by an Australian motoring organisation. This is not a major concern for me as I will sell it before returning to Australia but if other countries have a similar laws it could make the carnet useless unless I get it from Australia.