"A green card isn't an insurance policy" (?)
Hi, I just read the following, part of a post by mrsroynie.
"Just to clarify, a Green Card isn't actually an insurance policy. It just shows the authorities that you have (at least) the legal minimum third party cover (under your existing UK policy) to drive in that country."
I am wondering, then, whether I do in fact have insurance.
My Land Rover is registered in Oman. The local insurance, good for Oman and the UAE ran out some time back. While travelling, I bought insurance for Iran, then for Turkey, then for Europe. At present I have a green card issued in Germany, for which I initially paid 208 Euros then 89 Euros a month.
Am I insured or am I not? Surely, a green card, costing whatever it costs per month, etc. isn't just a document showing that one is insured elsewhere? (I'm not insured elsewhere.) So does my green card provide insurance cover or does it not, I'm wondering.