Originally Posted by edteamslr
I've banked with them for ages so they should know who the hell I am.
I get the feeling it's about time I moved bank (25years is probably too long to go without reviewing any business arrangement). The grass may not be greener but this is another example of how painful it is to deal with them.
Experienced the same reaction with my NatWest Branch when I showed them the RAC bank guarantee form last November. The bank manageress [dozy cow] looked at me as if I was an alien. I've banked with NatWest for 38 years now BTW; the last 34 of these years with the same branch in question.
I always laugh my arse off when I see one of the latest intensely irritating batch of NatWest TV ads promoting it's serious commitment to a ' Customer Charter'. What a load of ..  !!
I won't switch banks though ed, as I don't see the point. Stuff like frying pans and fires; better the devil you know etc, all spring to mind ..
I had a meeting with Paul Gowen (RAC Carnet Executive), a top bloke, back in December last year and told him the tale, and he didn't seem the least bit surprised that said bank manageress looked down upon me .. as if I came from the moon. Paul informed me that there's a specialist unit within the NatWest hierarchy that exist to consider and deal with applications for carnet guarantees and such like. They will review your banking track record, credit rating etc and issue the guarantee accordingly. PG knows who these chaps are, and therefore I recommend that you refer and progress the matter through him. Forget your local NatWest branch; by-pass them completely ..
Please let us know how you get on.